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Whether it’s 10 cents or 10 dollarydoos, whatever you can do, I’m grateful for you!


Make a difference, make a donation

I got you! Just click on a button below, to donate through PayPal.


Make a Donation

Simply use the details below, to direct your HUGELY appreciated contribution straight to my cause.

Account No.:

10 Cent Tom Limited
484 799
561 311 530

Note: Your donation (of $2 or more) could be tax deductible.              See below for more info.

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What are you giving to?


Where Australians with disabilities don’t have to choose between poverty or pensions, or pursuing their passions.

Where they’re respected and included because of their contribution and value as a human, and not because they ‘fill quotas’ or attract government funding.

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Example - DONATE Section 2.png

Where they have access to hundreds of different employment, education, and mentoring opportunities.

With genuine support – from people and organisations that are proactive and inclusive.


Disabled people have a low rate of employment in Australia and internationally, and this low employment rate is set within a context of limited employment choices.

10 Cent Tom Limited knows that increasing employment choices is a way to not only address this, but also take a big strong step towards changing the world.

We want to:

See disabled Australians in the mainstream workforce, receiving equal wages and conditions, together with adequate and tailored support;

Promote the rights of disabled people to access meaningful work; and

Create employment opportunities that deliver better quality of life outcomes (particularly across the following domains: empowerment, autonomy, self-determination, independent living skills, wellbeing, and self-esteem).

Might sound like some big ‘wants’, but it doesn’t take much to make a big difference.

10 Cent Tom Limited is growing – but we’re still a small, grassroots organisation and we can’t do it without you.

Any donation, big or small or somewhere in between, makes a difference.

Gift receipt

If you’ve donated, you can now request a gift receipt!

Simply email your request to or use the contact form.

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The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) has acknowledged that 10 Cent Tom Limited is a Public Benevolent Institution (PBI).

Additionally, the ACNC, together with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), have endorsed us as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR)!

This means that
donations of $2 or more are now tax-deductible and we can work with corporate partners.

We’d been working on this behind the scenes for a long time and it was finally made official from 28 September 2022.

So many of our faithful supporters have been giving generously, but we know that for some of you this will make a difference.

We have a few corporate contacts who have already expressed an interest in working more closely with us once we receive DGR status.

If you or your company would like to discuss how you can engage more with us, please reach out!

We look forward to using this milestone to help grow our organisation - and turn Tom's and our steps towards the 10 Cent Tom Limited vision and mission - into big strides.

Exciting News!

Is a greener tomorrow, today - years, or only months, away?

Your support can make a difference.

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